Aycliffe Village Hall
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Aycliffe Village Local History Society
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Who are we?

Aycliffe Village Local History Society had its inaugural meeting 30 November, 2004. It is for anyone interested in local history, especially that of the Great Aycliffe area.

When and where?

Meeting are held on Wednesdays at 7.30 p.m. at Aycliffe Village Hall on dates listed in the Programme of Events.

If you wish to seek, or offer, information relating to the Great Aycliffe area, please contact us using the link below.

Contact us

We are researching the schools and school life in Brafferton and Aycliffe village from earliest times to the present day. If you have any information, photographs, or memorabilia we would be very interested in hearing from you.

Did you attend any of the schools in Brafferton or Aycliffe, or did you teach in these schools or have family members who taught in them? Do you have any interesting stories? We would love to hear from you.

We are always looking for historical memorabilia, especially material to copy and to put onto the website. If you have anything you would like us to access, please contact using the email contact above, or telephone our chairman, David Blair, on 01325 316749, or bring them along to any member of the Society.


Aycliffe Village Green

New:War Memorials: More Loyal Lads from Aycliffe,


Programme of Events 2025

15 January Clive Bowery: The Battle of Gettysburg

12 February David Hastings: The Royal National Lifeboat Institution

12 March George Beautyman: Tees Cottage
Pumping Station

09 April TBC: 'Blood Bikes'

07 May Frances Wilson: The History of Seaside Holidays in the North East

04 June Chris Lloyd: TBC

July TBC

September TBC

October TBC

November TBC

December (Date TBC) AGM and Social Evening

Non-Members £3.50, Members £2 per meeting


DVD Launch

Ken Fox's film 'Aycliffe Village', produced for the Society with help from 'Awards for All', was launched on Wednesday, March 25, 2009. Click on the link to see photographs of the evening. DVD photographs